GitHub Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
Site wide shortcuts
Focus the search bar
- S
Go to your notifications
- G
- +
- N
Opens and focuses on a user, issue, or pull request hovercard
- H
When focused on above, closes hovercard
- Esc
Go to the Code tab
- G
- +
- C
Go to the Issues tab
- G
- +
- I
Go to the Pull requests tab
- G
- +
- P
Go to the Projects tab
- G
- +
- B
Go to the Wiki tab
- G
- +
- W
Source code editing
Start searching in file editor
- Ctrl
- +
- F
Find next
- Ctrl
- +
- G
Find previous
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- G
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- F
Replace all
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- R
Jump to line
- Alt
- +
- G
- Ctrl
- +
- Z
- Ctrl
- +
- Y
Source code browsing
Activates the file finder
- T
Jump to a line in your code
- L
Switch to a new branch or tag
- W
Expand a URL to its canonical form
- Y
Show or hide comments on diffs
- I
Open blame view
- B
Inserts Markdown formatting for bolding text
- Ctrl
- +
- B
Inserts Markdown formatting for italicizing text
- Ctrl
- +
- I
Inserts Markdown formatting for creating a link
- Ctrl
- +
- K
Toggles between the Write and Preview comment tabs
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Submits a comment
- Ctrl
- +
- Enter
Opens saved replies menu and then autofills comment field with a saved reply
- Ctrl
- +
- .
Inserts a suggestions
- Ctrl
- +
- G
Quote the selected text in your reply
- R
Issue and pull request lists
Create an issue
- C
Focus your cursor on the issues or pull requests search bar
- Ctrl
- +
- /
Filter by author
- U
Filter by or edit labels
- L
Filter by or edit milestones
- M
Filter by or edit assignee
- A
Open issue
- O
Issues and pull requests
Request a reviewer
- Q
Set a milestone
- M
Apply a label
- L
Set an assignee
- A
Changes in pull requests
Open the list of commits in the pull request
- C
Open the list of changed files in the pull request
- T
Move selection down in the list
- J
Move selection up in the list
- K
Add a single comment on a pull request diff
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- Enter
Toggle between collapsing and expanding all outdated review comments in a pull request
- Alt
- +
- (click)
Project boards
Start moving the focused column
- Enter/Space
Cancel the move in progress
- Esc
Complete the move in progress
- Enter
Move column to the left
- Left/H
Move column to the leftmost position
- Ctrl
- +
- Left/H
Move column to the right
- Right/L
Move column to the rightmost position
- Ctrl
- +
- Right/L
Start moving the focused card
- Enter/Space
Cancel the move in progress
- Esc
Complete the move in progress
- Enter
Move card down
- Down/J
Move card to the bottom of the column
- Ctrl
- +
- Down/J
Move card up
- Up/K
Move card to the top of the column
- Ctrl
- +
- Up/K
Move card to the bottom of the column on the left
- Left/H
Move card to the top of the column on the left
- Shift
- +
- Left/H
Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column
- Ctrl
- +
- Left/H
Move card to the top of the leftmost column
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- Left/H
Move card to the bottom of the column on the right
- Right
Move card to the top of the column on the right
- Shift
- +
- Right/L
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column
- Ctrl
- +
- Right/L
Move card to the top of the rightmost column
- Ctrl
- +
- Shift
- +
- Right/L
Mark as read
- E/L/Y
Mute thread
- Shift
- +
- M
Network graph
Scroll left
- Left/H
Scroll right
- Right/L
Scroll up
- Up/K
Scroll down
- Down/J
Scroll all the way left
- Shift
- +
- Left/H
Scroll all the way right
- Shift
- +
- Right/L
Scroll all the way up
- Shift
- +
- Up/K
Scroll all the way down
- Shift
- +
- Down/J
GitHub Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac
Site wide shortcuts
Focus the search bar
- S
Go to your notifications
- G
- +
- N
Opens and focuses on a user, issue, or pull request hovercard
- H
When focused on above, closes hovercard
- Esc
Go to the Code tab
- G
- +
- C
Go to the Issues tab
- G
- +
- I
Go to the Pull requests tab
- G
- +
- P
Go to the Projects tab
- G
- +
- B
Go to the Wiki tab
- G
- +
- W
Source code editing
Start searching in file editor
- Cmd
- +
- F
Find next
- Cmd
- +
- G
Find previous
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- G
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- F
Replace all
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- R
Jump to line
- Alt
- +
- G
- Cmd
- +
- Z
- Cmd
- +
- Y
Source code browsing
Activates the file finder
- T
Jump to a line in your code
- L
Switch to a new branch or tag
- W
Expand a URL to its canonical form
- Y
Show or hide comments on diffs
- I
Open blame view
- B
Inserts Markdown formatting for bolding text
- Cmd
- +
- B
Inserts Markdown formatting for italicizing text
- Cmd
- +
- I
Inserts Markdown formatting for creating a link
- Cmd
- +
- K
Toggles between the Write and Preview comment tabs
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- P
Submits a comment
- Cmd
- +
- Enter
Opens saved replies menu and then autofills comment field with a saved reply
- Cmd
- +
- .
Inserts a suggestions
- Cmd
- +
- G
Quote the selected text in your reply
- R
Issue and pull request lists
Create an issue
- C
Focus your cursor on the issues or pull requests search bar
- Cmd
- +
- /
Filter by author
- U
Filter by or edit labels
- L
Filter by or edit milestones
- M
Filter by or edit assignee
- A
Open issue
- O
Issues and pull requests
Request a reviewer
- Q
Set a milestone
- M
Apply a label
- L
Set an assignee
- A
Changes in pull requests
Open the list of commits in the pull request
- C
Open the list of changed files in the pull request
- T
Move selection down in the list
- J
Move selection up in the list
- K
Add a single comment on a pull request diff
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- Enter
Toggle between collapsing and expanding all outdated review comments in a pull request
- Alt
- +
- (click)
Project boards
Start moving the focused column
- Enter/Space
Cancel the move in progress
- Esc
Complete the move in progress
- Enter
Move column to the left
- Left/H
Move column to the leftmost position
- Cmd
- +
- Left/H
Move column to the right
- Right/L
Move column to the rightmost position
- Cmd
- +
- Right/L
Start moving the focused card
- Enter/Space
Cancel the move in progress
- Esc
Complete the move in progress
- Enter
Move card down
- Down/J
Move card to the bottom of the column
- Cmd
- +
- Down/J
Move card up
- Up/K
Move card to the top of the column
- Cmd
- +
- Up/K
Move card to the bottom of the column on the left
- Left/H
Move card to the top of the column on the left
- Shift
- +
- Left/H
Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column
- Cmd
- +
- Left/H
Move card to the top of the leftmost column
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- Left/H
Move card to the bottom of the column on the right
- Right
Move card to the top of the column on the right
- Shift
- +
- Right/L
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column
- Cmd
- +
- Right/L
Move card to the top of the rightmost column
- Cmd
- +
- Shift
- +
- Right/L
Mark as read
- E/L/Y
Mute thread
- Shift
- +
- M
Network graph
Scroll left
- Left/H
Scroll right
- Right/L
Scroll up
- Up/K
Scroll down
- Down/J
Scroll all the way left
- Shift
- +
- Left/H
Scroll all the way right
- Shift
- +
- Right/L
Scroll all the way up
- Shift
- +
- Up/K
Scroll all the way down
- Shift
- +
- Down/J